The William Randolph Hearst Foundation has announced the student radio and television broadcast finalists selected in the Journalism Awards Program broadcast competition. The category for Competition One was Features.
The top five winners in both radio and television were selected from among 44 radio and 56 television entries submitted. These winners, along with the top five finalists from both categories in Competition Two, will submit additional entries for a semi-final round of judging. Following the semi-final round of judging, five in radio and five in television will be chosen to compete in the program’s National Broadcast News Championships in San Francisco, along with winners of the writing and photojournalism competitions.
The top five radio finalists, qualifying for the semi-finals:
First Place, $2,000 award, JOEL GODETT, Syracuse University
Second Place, $1,500 award, JOSEPH (JW) COX, Arizona State University
Third Place, $1,000 award, ADAM CAVALIER, Marshall University
Fourth Place, $750 award, COLTON SHONE, Arizona State University
Fifth Place, $600 award, ALEXANDRA HILL, University of Florida
Other award winners in radio:
Sixth Place, $500 award, JASON SPARKS, Brigham Young University
Seventh Place, $500 award, DANIEL CHERRY, University of Alabama
Eighth Place, $500 award, NATALIE NEUMANN, University of Montana
Ninth Place, $500 award, AMANDA KENNEY, Hofstra University
Tenth Place, $500 award, ALINA SELYUKH, University of Nebraska
The top five television finalists, qualifying for the semi-finals:
First Place, $2,000 award, ELIZABETH McKERNAN, Arizona State University
Second Place, $1,500 award, CARLY SWAIN, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Third Place, $1,000 award, JAMIE HERSCH, University of Southern California
Fourth Place, $750 award, HENRY ROSOFF, Northwestern University
Fifth Place, $600 award, SALVATORE MANEEN, Syracuse University
Other award winners in television:
Sixth Place, $500 award, MEGHAN LISSON, Syracuse University
Seventh Place, $500 award, PHILLIP MILANI, University of Colorado
Eighth Place, $500 award, MILES DORAN, University of Florida
Ninth Place, $500 award, STEPHEN BUTERA, West Virginia University
Tenth Place, $500 award, BETHANY TUGGLE, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
The schools of these award winning finalists receive matching grants.
Arizona State University placed first in the Intercollegiate Broadcast News Competition with the highest accumulated student points from the first radio and television competitions. It is followed by:Syracuse University; University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; University of Southern California (tie);Brigham Young University (tie); University of Florida; Northwestern University; Elon University;Pennsylvania State University; and West Virginia University. The final winners (the top three of whom will collect $10,000, $5,000, and $2,500 respectively) will be named in April following Competition Two/News.
The judges, all professionals in radio and television, are: Fred Young, Senior Vice President of News,Hearst-Argyle Television, New York, NY; Barbara Cochran, President, RTNDA, Washington, DC; and Ursula Reutin, News Director, News Talk 97.3 KIRO Radio, Seattle, WA.
The 2008-2009 broadcast news competitions are held in 110 member colleges and universities of the Association of Schools of Journalism and Mass Communication with accredited undergraduate journalismprograms. The Broadcast News Competition was added in 1988 to the Hearst Foundation’s Journalism Awards Program that for 49 years has included writing, photojournalism, and multimedia, and now offers awards totaling up to $550,000 in scholarships, matching grants and stipends.
Jan C. Watten, Program Director